Com­par­ing per­form­ances was nev­er so simple

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Map­ out the play­er us­ing mul­tiple data sources

Face­book, Twit­ter, news… Mon­it­or everything that’s be­ing said about people, brands or com­pan­ies, all in the same in­ter­face, and ob­tain a full situ­ation­al vis­ion in a faster and smarter way.

In­teg­ra­tion of data about the scen­ario of each play­er

Re­search about vot­ing in­ten­tions

So­cial me­dia

On­line me­dia

In­dex of shares on the stock ex­change

Spe­cial­ized me­dia

Com­par­at­ives of en­gage­ment, ex­pos­i­tion, in­dexes and oth­er in­dic­at­ors

Find out how people are re­act­ing to the mon­itored play­ers, which are their feel­ings, as­so­ci­ated words, hasht­ags, men­tions and much more. All of it on the same plat­form.


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